Programme at the Glance

Programme at the Glance –
Thursday 14 October 2021
Belgian Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Chairs: Jan Emmerechts and Phu Quoc Le
BSTH.1.1 – 08.45 – 08.50 Introduction by the President of the BSTH
BSTH.1.2 – 08.50 – 09.15 Thrombotic antiphospholipid syndrome – Katrien Devreese, Ghent
BSTH.1.3 – 09.15 – 09.40 Inherited antithrombin deficiency revisited: novel insights in laboratory diagnosis and clinical presentation – Christelle Orlando, Brussel
Coffee Break and Poster Viewing
Belgian Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Chairs: Simon De Meyer and Thomas Vanassche
BSTH.2.1 – 10.10 – 10.35 Importance of the novo lipogenesis in platelet production and function – Sandrine Horman, Louvain-la-Neuve
BSTH.2.1 – 10.35 – 11.00 Ticagrelor: a potent antiplatelet drug with unprecedented anti-staphylococcal activity – Cécile Oury, Liege
Short Break
Belgian Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Chairs: Kristin Jochmans and Philip Maes
BSTH.3.1 – 11.15 – 11.30 Presentation by the winner of the Clinical/Laboratory Paul Capel prize – First report of a de novo iTTP episode associated with an mRNA-based anti-COVID-19 vaccination, Severine De Bruijn, Antwerp
BSTH.3.2 – 11.30 – 11.45 Presentation by the winner of the Basic science Paul Capel prize – Neutrophils promote the progression of Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis, Severien Meyers, Leuven
Chairs: Alain Gadisseur and Kristel Vandenbosch
BSTH.3.3 – 11.45 – 12.00 Presentation by the winner of the CSL Behring encouragement award
Frits Rosendaal, The Netherlands and Cécile Oury, Belgium
Keynote Lecture
Chairs: Cécile Oury, Belgium and Frits Rosendaal, The Netherlands
Inherited platelet disorders – Genomics, Kathleen Freson, Belgium
Short Break
Oral Communications
Chairs: Tilman Hackeng, The Netherlands and Timothée Bigot, France
OP 1.1 – 13.45 – 13.57: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor use is associated with major bleeding during treatment with vitamin K antagonists: results of a cohort study, Louise Burggraaf, The Netherlands
OP 1.2 – 13.57 – 14.09: Critical role of fibrin gamma-chain crosslinking by FXIIIa in preventing thrombus fragmentation and subsequent embolisation, Cédric Duval, United Kingdom
OP 1.3 – 14.09 – 14.21: Platelet-specific acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 deletion decreases phospholipid content and impairs platelet functions, Marie Octave, Belgium
OP 1.4 – 14.21 – 14.33: TLR3 promotes venous thrombosis through endothelial cell activation, Maria Najem, France
OP 1.5 – 14.33 – 14.45: Exploring new candidate mechanisms behind antithrombin deficiency in cases with unknown molecular basis: mosaicism and intronic profiles, Pedro Garrido Rodríguez, Spain
Keynote Lecture
Chair: Pierre Morange, France
How the exposome impacts the trajectory of age related health and disease, Paul Shiels, United Kingdom
Coffee Break and Poster Viewing
Oral Communications
Chairs: Johanna Gebhart, Austria and Pierre Morange, France
OP 2.1 – 16.00 – 16.12: A hemostatic chemical compound against bleedings induced by direct oral anticoagulants., Maximilien Desvages, France
OP 2.2 – 16.12 – 16.24: Presence and evolution of NET markers and DAMPS in critically ill COVID-19 patients, Joram Huckriede, The Netherlands
OP 2.3 – 16.24 – 16.36: Global seroprevalence of pre-existing immunity against AAV serotypes in people with hemophilia A, Sebastian Wolf, Germany
OP 2.4 – 16.36 – 16.48: Hypoxia augments proinflammatory activation of endothelial cells towards a prothrombotic phenotype, Casper Ullsten-Wahlund, Norway
OP 2.5 – 16.48 – 17.00: Derivation of a predictive score for venous thromboembolism in women using combined oral contraceptives, Pierre Suchon, France
Science, Fast and Furious
Chair: Banne Nemeth, The Netherlands and Tom van de Berg, The Netherlands
SFF1.1 – 17.00 – 17.15: Correlation of calibrated automated thrombogram parameters with clinical phenotype in a large cohort of patients with antithrombin deficiency carrying different SERPINC1 variants, Carlos Bravo-Perez, Spain
SFF1.2 – 17.15 – 17.30: Inhibition of ADAMTS13 Rescues Acquired von Willebrand Syndrome in a Preclinical Left Ventricular Assist Device Animal Model, Shannen J. Deconinck, Belgium
SFF1.3 – 17.30 – 17.45: S100A8/A9 levels are increased in COVID-19 patients and induce procoagulant platelets in a GPIbα-dependent manner, Martina Colicchia, United Kingdom
SFF1.4 17.45 – 18.00: Protease Nexin-1, a serpine participating in neutrophil recruitment through CD11a integrin regulation, Célina Madjene, France
Poster Awards and Welcome Reception
Oral Communications
Chairs: Sabine Eichinger, Austria and Zsuzsa Bagoly, Hungary
OP 3.1 – 08.30 – 08.42: Genetic and clinical determinants of the outcome of immune tolerance induction in severe hemophilia A – preliminary results, Ilja Oomen, The Netherlands
OP 3.2 – 08.42 – 08.54: The Extracellular Protease EpiP from S. aureus Triggers Blood Coagulation by Proteolytically Activating Prothrombin and Platelet Protease-Activated Receptor 1, Vincenzo De Filippis, Italy
OP 3.3 – 08.54 – 09.06: Activation mechanism dependent surface exposure of cellular FXIII on platelets and platelet microparticles: immunofluorescence and immune electron microscopic study, László Muszbek, Hungary
OP 3.4 – 09.06 – 09.18: Protein S Gla domain as theranostic for early vascular calcification, Anouk Gentier, The Netherlands
OP 3.5 – 09.18 – 09.30: Remote history of venous thrombosis and the risk of venous thrombosis beyond the age of 70 years, Huijie Wang, The Netherlands
Keynote Lecture
Chair: Karen Vanhoorelbeke, Belgium
Haemophilia and gene therapy, Cedric Hermans, Belgium
Coffee Break and Poster Viewing
Oral Communications
Chairs: Anouk Gentier, The Netherlands and Christelle Orlando, Belgium
OP 4.1 – 10.45 – 10.57: COVID-19 associated coagulopathy in acute ischemic stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis, Zsuzsa Bagoly, Hungary
OP 4.2 – 10.57 – 11.09: Joint effect of multiple prothrombotic genotypes and mean platelet volume on the risk of incident venous thromboembolism, Lisa Jakobsen, Norway
OP 4.3 – 11.09 – 11.21: Shear-induced platelet GPIbα shedding under extracorporeal membrane oxygenation promotes platelet clearance independently from von Willebrand factor-GPIbα interaction, Annabelle Dupont, France
OP 4.4 – 11.21 – 11.33: Effects of dietary palmitate on blood lipid profile and calcification of aorta and aortic valve, Nathalie Donis, Belgium
OP 4.5 – 11.33 – 11.45: Lower excess mortality in an anticoagulated population during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands, Qingui Chen, The Netherlands
Meet the Expert
Location: Minneplein
- Factor XIII determination: why, when, and how, László Muszbek, Hungary
- Haemophilia and inhibitors, Samantha Gouw, The Netherlands
- Monitoring treatments with unfractionated heparin, Pierre Toulon, France
- New treatment options of haemophilia: challenges and opportunities, Cédric Hermans, Belgium
- Vitamin K and vessel wall, Leon Schurgers, The Netherlands
Oral Communications
Chairs: John-Bjarne Hansen, Norway and Sofia Melo, Belgium
OP 5.1 – 13.00 – 13.12: A novel quali-quantitative defect of VWF, Tom van de Berg, The Netherlands
OP 5.2 – 13.12 – 13.24: Anti-cysteine/spacer autoantibodies that open the conformation of ADAMTS13 are a common feature of the autoimmune response in immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, Laure De Waele, Belgium
OP 5.3 – 13.24 – 13.36: GPVI is a binding partner for pro-coagulant factor VIII on platelets, Rohini Sekar, France
OP 5.4 – 13.36 – 13.48: Highly reactive juvenile platelets express higher levels of GPVI in a size-related manner, Alicia Veninga, The Netherlands
OP 5.5 – 13.48 – 14.00: SARS-CoV2 associated venous thromboembolism – a one-year follow-up, Alberto Maino, Italy
Short Break
Oral Communications
Chairs: Cédric Duval, United Kingdom and Thomas Vanassche, Belgium
OP 6.1 – 14.15 – 14.27: Prosthetic valve bioactive surface coating to reduce the prevalence of thrombosis, Cécile Oury, Belgium
OP 6.2 – 14.27 – 14.39: Venous Thromboembolism after Incident Colorectal Cancer in the Netherlands: Incidence, Predictors, and Prognosis, Rayna Anijs, The Netherlands
OP 6.3 – 14.39 – 14.51: Identification of two new ligands of the platelet CLEC-2 receptor, Luis A. Moran, United Kingdom
OP 6.4 – 14.51 – 15.03: Elevated plasma levels of the complement activating enzyme MASP-2 are associated with risk of future incident venous thromboembolism, Christabel Esi Damoah, Norway
OP 6.5 – 15.03 – 15.15: Role of Matrix Gla Protein in vascular calcification: hard chemistry for soft vessels, Stijn Agten, The Netherlands
Coffee Break and Poster Viewing
Keynote Lecture
Chair: Tilman Hackeng, The Netherlands
Venous thrombosis: From population studies to biological understanding, John-Bjarne Hansen, Norway
ECTH Closing